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We’re a friendly, helpful bunch – not at all like visiting your bank manager! Our Business Support team will take your initial enquiry and tailor the best route through our free advice and support.
As qualified RD1st coaches, our coaching ethos may include directing you to specific online resources or a session with an Adviser.
Our In-house Advisers based in Dundee and Glasgow will explore your needs further alongside our extended family of Industry Associates. They’re not all based in the office though – there’s not enough seats to go round! Have your diary handy when we contact you.
Our Business Support team are experts in exploring your needs and will be your first port of call as you begin your journey with us.
We have two In-house Advisers that work out of Dundee (Dundee Contemporary Arts) and Glasgow (South Block), eager to offer up their pearls of wisdom.
We consider our Industry Associates our extended family. Representing the full spectrum of the creative industries and a cross-section of business areas, they share their knowledge with us and you.