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This policy covers Cultural Enterprise Office’s use of personal information that we collect when you use our website. You will be asked to submit personal information about yourself (e.g. name and email address) in order to receive or use services on our website. By entering your details in the fields requested, you enable Cultural Enterprise Office to provide you with the services you select. Whenever you provide such personal information, we will treat that information in accordance with this policy. When using your personal information Cultural Enterprise Office will act in accordance with current legislation and aim to meet current internet best practice.
When you supply any personal information to culturalenterpriseoffice.co.uk (e.g. to subscribe to receive newsletters) we have legal obligations towards you in the way we use your data. We must collect the information fairly: we must explain how we will use it (see the notices on the specific webpages that let you know why we are requesting the information) and tell you if we want to pass the information on to anyone else. In general, any information you provide to Cultural Enterprise Office will only be used within Cultural Enterprise Office. Your information will be disclosed where we are obliged or permitted by law. We will hold your personal information on our systems for 5 years beyond the cessation of Cultural Enterprise Office. We will ensure that all personal information supplied is held securely, in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
You have the right to request a copy of the personal information that Cultural Enterprise Office holds about you and to have any inaccuracies corrected. A small charge for this service will apply.
Please address requests to:
Cultural Enterprise Office
Studio 114
First Floor, South Block
60-64 Osborne Street
G1 5QH
Email: info@culturalenterpriseoffice.co.uk